Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sean Cody Model Jeb Got Arrested In The Past For Sodomy, Sexual Abuse And Theft. He Also Tweeted A Homophobic Speech On Twitter.

Sean Cody model Jeb got arrested in the past for sodomy, sexual abuse and theft. Charges Include sodomy, sexual abuse/penetration, theft and probation violations.

He also tweeted a homophobic speech on twitter.

Sean Cody Model Dave Was Charged With Multiple Drug Charges Last January

 Sean Cody model Dave was arrested for possession of dozen of pills when police officer did a search in a car crash that they responded.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

No Scene Will Be Released This Week By Sean Cody

No scene will be released this week by Sean Cody.

No apology. No discount. No freebies.

They treat their customers like nothing. It is time to cancel your Sean Cody membership! You deserve better!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sean Cody Reduces Scene Updates To One Per Week

Sean Cody posted a message in the member's area that they reduces scene updates to one per week due to coronavirus pandemic . 

Paying the same price but less updates per week, streaming only, need additional charge for each download, worst quality, why people are still paying for them, just cancel your membership!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Sean Cody Use Fake Cum On Their Rrecent Scene With Models Ace And Blake

According to Str8upgayporn, Sean Cody use fake cum on their recent scene with models Ace and Blake.

Here are the capture of the fake cum scene:

Sean Cody Performer Jarec Wentworth Released From Prison Early

Sean Cody Performer Jarec Wentworth has been released from prison after spending 70 months incarcerated.

Teofil Brank, known for his adult film name Jarec Wentworth, has been released early and transferred to a residential reentry management location in Long Beach, California. He’ll stay there for an additional five months.

Sean Cody Pays $3,000 Per Scene

In the post about Sean Cody's Model Randy about his financial situation, one of Randy's comments mentioned that he was paid $3,000 per scene

Here is his comments:

Sean Cody's Model Randy In Financial Help For A Year Now

Randy has been with Sean Cody since 2013. His work at Sean Cody is not enough financially and he has been asking for monetary donations for a year now via his comments on Waybig.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sean Cody Under Fire For Hiring A Model Who Has A Confederate Flag Tattoo

On June 2019, Sean Cody released a solo and duo (with Jax) scenes that featuring a model named Zane who has a racists confederate flag tattoo.

Sean Cody has attempted to hide the racist symbol by blurring it out in post-production. While the blurring is constant throughout the video, the studio completely Photoshopped it out in the images, as seen below.

When the scenes released, Sean Cody is immediately under fire.

Sean Cody Has Released A Scene With Their Logo Covering Almost The Entire Picture

On 25 May 2019, Sean Cody had released a scene with their logo covering almost the entire picture.

The problematic scene is featuring Jack and Jayce, you can see the capture below.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Why You Should Boycott : Conclusion

Sean Cody ( is a company with internalized homophobia, bullying, fake fucking, fake cumming, racism, and provided many criminals. They are also so unprofessional that they don’t even know how to take pictures. The company represents the unfair idea that gay men don’t matter, and that unless we are like everyone else, then we are lesser beings and deserve less respect. This is especially relevant for gay men, who experience far too much bullying, shaming, microagression, marginalization, alienation, etc. The community should come together to deal with and overcome the oppression faced by the very people Sean protects.

The studio also only cares about money. They don't support the LGBT community in issues such as gay rights, equal rights, etc. In fact they will resort to homophobic and anti LGBT actions if it helps them earn some extra cash. If there is no money left to earn from us, they will betray us immediately.

Don’t support Don’t view their materials; don’t apply to work for them; don’t pay them; don’t create Twitter/Tumblr blog entries consisting of GIFs and images taken from their movies; and don’t Retweet/reblog said content either. To do these things is to support bullying, even if unintentionally, because Sean Cody shows themselves to have no respect either for gay men, or for others who identify as such.

Please help us to boycott

Stop the perpetuation of ideas that glorify bullying.

Stop bullying.