Thursday, September 26, 2019

Why You Should Boycott : Conclusion

Sean Cody ( is a company with internalized homophobia, bullying, fake fucking, fake cumming, racism, and provided many criminals. They are also so unprofessional that they don’t even know how to take pictures. The company represents the unfair idea that gay men don’t matter, and that unless we are like everyone else, then we are lesser beings and deserve less respect. This is especially relevant for gay men, who experience far too much bullying, shaming, microagression, marginalization, alienation, etc. The community should come together to deal with and overcome the oppression faced by the very people Sean protects.

The studio also only cares about money. They don't support the LGBT community in issues such as gay rights, equal rights, etc. In fact they will resort to homophobic and anti LGBT actions if it helps them earn some extra cash. If there is no money left to earn from us, they will betray us immediately.

Don’t support Don’t view their materials; don’t apply to work for them; don’t pay them; don’t create Twitter/Tumblr blog entries consisting of GIFs and images taken from their movies; and don’t Retweet/reblog said content either. To do these things is to support bullying, even if unintentionally, because Sean Cody shows themselves to have no respect either for gay men, or for others who identify as such.

Please help us to boycott

Stop the perpetuation of ideas that glorify bullying.

Stop bullying.

Why You Should Boycott : Unprofessional And Trick

There are two things that studios absolutely cannot do in the gay porn industry – fake fucking and fake cumming. These are a very despicable and unprofessional way of tricking their customers. Of course, Sean Cody does it both.

Str8upgayporn Reported that Sean Cody closes out “Winter Getaway” with a disastrous fake fucking scene in January 2016.

Please see the full report here:

Why You Should Boycott : Racist

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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Why You Should Boycott : The Truth About Working With Sean Cody

Liam Blake, aka Emmett, of Sean Cody was introduced last March in 2017 and his scene with Shaw was released 10 days later. According to a twitter source, Liam Blake said that he really didn't enjoy the experience and was just a freaking douche.

At First Liam didn't want to sign the contract, but still he did. Sean Cody paid $5,000 for his first duo scene however they decreased the payment to $4,000 for his second one. Liam also said that Sean Cody has shitty photographers, they don't know how to take pictures, and they have about 3 directors that are shitty.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Why You Should Boycott : Homophobia And Sexism

One of the feature of the Sean Cody studio is that most of their porn models are Gay-for-pay (which means straight guys who are paid to act or perform as homosexuals professionally), but those Gay-for-pay porn models are not as gay friendly as you think, in fact, many of them are actually homophobic.

Here is an example: a model named Mac posted an anti-gay tweet about a Chipotle employee "Why did the gay guy at chipotle feel it was appropriate to hit on me. Make my food that's all I ask."

And this is not the only one homophobic model they hired. According to a comment from, they also hired a model that was homophobic in high school.