Monday, September 23, 2019

Why You Should Boycott : Homophobia And Sexism

One of the feature of the Sean Cody studio is that most of their porn models are Gay-for-pay (which means straight guys who are paid to act or perform as homosexuals professionally), but those Gay-for-pay porn models are not as gay friendly as you think, in fact, many of them are actually homophobic.

Here is an example: a model named Mac posted an anti-gay tweet about a Chipotle employee "Why did the gay guy at chipotle feel it was appropriate to hit on me. Make my food that's all I ask."

And this is not the only one homophobic model they hired. According to a comment from, they also hired a model that was homophobic in high school. 

(Source: Reddit)

Reported from, Sean Cody's model Brandon claimed he hated dick and that he was doing gay porn just for the money. Brandon really doesn't want anyone misunderstanding that he is gay or bi, he even does not want to have any contact with gay people.

Recently, this homophobe Brandon set up a summer tour and opened a Kickstarter page to gather money from the LGBT community, so he can travel the world and fulfill his dreams. He’s actually scamming those people who don't know him very well.

Ironically, Sean Cody (a gay pornography studio of which their target customers are obviously gay men) is actually helping this homophobe Brandon to scam money; by promoting his summer tour and even sponsoring him with DVDs and shirts to sell.

The Sean Cody studio never cared about the LGBT community; they don't support gay rights, equal rights, etc. The one thing they care about is money. They will do anything to earn as much money as they can, even if they need to do some homophobic and anti LGBT actions. If there is no money left to earn from us, they will betray us immediately.

Besides, we received an audition email from the Sean Cody Senior Recruiter, Steven M. Beck, which shows exactly how this company thinks about gay people.

From the audition email you can see, they specifically mentioned "About 80% of our models are straight and our staff is all-male, if you have any concerns, we will evacuate all the gay staff on set while shooting. In addition, you're not obligated to do anything other than the solo”.:

They treat their gay staff like they’re nothing! They think gay people are disgusting and filthy, like disease or some kind of monster. Or that they will terrorize and harm their precious "straight models".

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